Standard streams (ITI8510)

Allikas: Lambda
Real-Time Operating Systems and Systems Programming
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This exercise is about standard streams. While we will return to the specific inputs, it is vital to understand how the streams work for most of the exercises.


  1. Write a program named show_input which reads file 'input.txt' ( fopen(), fread(), fclose() ) and displays it to the standard output (use fwrite() or fprintf instead of printf() and use stdout stream for output).
  2. Write a program named my_cat which reads from stdin and then outputs each line to stdout using only fgetc() and fputc() functions.
Find a way to use the program to:
  • Show a text file
  • Copy a file
  • Create and edit a text file
  1. Fix your first program so that it shows error messages to stderr using either fprintf() or perror()


  • These tasks are simple enough to figure out without getting off-the-shelf answer from google. Your brain will thank you. If you still want to copy example code -- do it by hand at least. It's pointless waste of your own time to copy-paste and fix code you found online.
  • You have variables named stdin, stdout and stderr which correspond to streams which the system opens for you upon program launch. They arrive with inclusion of stdio.h.
  • Standard streams can be redirected on the command-line using < > 2> and | signs. You should know them, so find out what they do. A useful keyword is "linux pipes".
  • If the task seems too simple: try the Nonblocking IO version of the my_cat utility.